Welcome to my corner of the web. This website is created with an intention of keeping a record of useful things for my everyday—professional and personal—life. Most of the data in these webpages is created by me or otherwise taken from other sources such as books, webpages, and from discussions with some amazing peers, friends and family. In the later case, I tried to give proper citations. The majority of these pages are graphicless, not that I am against of graphics as you can check a depiction of me or my amateur photography, but I found it to be less distracting.
If you have any question and you are not a bot, feel free to write me at [email protected]
A list of interesting reseach groups
Occasionally, I spit thoughts in a blog
Sometime, but not often, I force myself to write book reviews
Those who helped in the journey of science and life
The links which I found useful and do not want to loose them
Mostly other's work, I admires the most
This is a collection of my notebooks which consist all sort of informations—books, notes, cooking receipes etc.—I found interesting; worthy to remember; life savior.
posted at: 17:15 | permanent link